
Our OKMS clinic supports student success by providing health care assessments, intervention, follow-up, or referral. The clinic’s scope of practice accommodates physician’s orders for daily medications and/or medical procedures. In order to support the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of our students, please keep the clinic up to date with new vaccinations, contact information, and ongoing medical conditions (like asthma, gastrointestinal issues, epilepsy, diabetes, or allergies, and physical or mental limitations). For questions or concerns, please contact us, and let us know how we can continue to promote your child’s health here at OKMS. 


  • Do not send any medication to school with your child. Parents/Guardians must bring all medications to the school.
  • Epinephrine auto-injectors and inhalers:
    • Students are allowed to carry self-administering devices like inhalers and epinephrine. Please notify the clinic if your child carries such devices.
    • Parents should complete the medication form in order for students to self-carry medication. Please provide the school with your child’s physician’s action plan.
  • Please see the Hanover County Schools medication form for further guidelines.


  • If a student develops a temperature of 100° F or higher, clinic staff will call his/her parent to pick him/her up. We will not permit students to return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
  • Please keep your child at home for 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting or loose stool.


In 2020, the General Assembly passed House Bill 1090 that requires Virginia's immunizations to align with the recommendations and requirements of the Centers of Disease Control Advisory Committee on immunization practices.* In accordance with this law, all students entering seventh grade are required to have the following vaccinations:

  1. A booster dose of the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.
  2. First dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MenACWY).

Please note that you are required to provide documentation of your child's Tdap booster shot and MenACWY vaccine to your child's school nurse or front office staff. The documentation must have your child's full name, date of birth, the date the vaccine was given, and your health care provider must sign it. The school must have proof of this vaccination by the start of the school year. Students without documentation of the vaccinations will be excluded from school until it is provided per the Code of Virginia.

You may obtain both immunizations from your doctor, a military clinic, or the Hanover Health Department located at 12312 Washington Highway, Ashland, VA 23005. Various medical clinics and pharmacies in the area also offer these vaccinations. If you choose the Hanover Health Department option, you will be required to provide your insurance card, if you have insurance coverage. Vaccines are often limited, and you must make an appointment to schedule a vaccination by calling (804) 365-4313.

Health Screens

  • Our clinic conducts free vision and hearing screening tests for seventh graders.
  • In the event of an abnormal vision or hearing screening, clinic staff will send a letter home indicating the need to follow up with a provider for a more thorough examination.


Please access and print forms on the division Health Services page.

The following forms may be picked up from the school clinic or requested from the school nurse.

  • Memorandum of Understanding for Private Duty Nurse
  • Release of Medical Information
  • Medically Fragile Health Services Plan
  • Medical Procedure Order Form
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