Dress Code

Four smiling students

HCPS, Reg. 7-3.1 (B) Student Dress

Student dress is an important factor in maintaining a positive educational environment. The school board and school division staff rely on parents and students to support the division’s emphasis on safety and avoiding disruptions in the learning environment. A student’s dress and appearance should not cause disruption, distract other students from their school work, or compromise health or safety. This dress code applies to all school functions. 

Note: Principals can make exceptions to the student dress code at their discretion to account for special events.

  • For health and safety reasons, students must wear appropriate footwear at all times.
  • Skirts, dresses, jumpers, and shorts must extend to the mid-thigh at all times, including while students are standing, sitting, or engaging in physical activity.
  • Clothing should not expose the student’s midriff, chest, or private areas at any time.
  • Sleeveless garments must have 2-inch straps and must not expose undergarments.
  • Students may wear spaghetti straps, tube tops, halter tops, camis, and tank tops under tops, shirts, and blouses that have at least a 2-inch coverage across each shoulder.
  • Students may wear yoga pants and leggings with tops that provide additional coverage to the mid-thigh.
  • Students wearing pants and shorts must secure them to prevent exposing student’s undergarments, to prevent the waistband from sagging below the student’s hips, and to avoid dragging the garment on the floor.

Group of students in hallwayStudents may not wear the following:

  • Clothing, jewelry, and other personal belongings displaying vulgar, lewd, or obscene language or images that reflect adversely on or disparage another’s race, gender, sexual orientation, skin color, religion, national origin, ancestry, or disability; that promote the use of drugs, illegal substances, or alcohol; or that contain threats, gang symbols, symbols of groups associated with threatening or violent behavior or groups that promote the unlawful use of weapons or other criminal behavior
  • Hats, hoods, face masks, or head coverings of any kind while inside school buildings during regular school hours (the principal can make exceptions for religious or medical reasons via written approval)
  • Sunglasses while inside school buildings without physician’s prescription
  • Chains of any type or studded/spiked jewelry
  • Pajamas, sleepwear, swimwear
  • See-through or revealing clothing or items that resemble undergarments
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